Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Joined The Zumba Party!

It felt a little like a blind date! Throughout the day I kept checking the time to see when I'd have to get ready. As the hour approached I wondered: Do I shower before or after I'm all sweaty? Should I wear comfortable shoes or will I end up barefoot? Will I look good enough and make all the right moves? My palms even got sweaty as I walked to the planned location. I make friends easily enough but sometimes I worry that I'll do something stupid. Like showing up so early that I'm the lone lady standing by the door waiting to be let inside. I didn't wait that long but it's a lesson learned for next time.

More women showed up and we were all greeted with a smile from a cheerful redhaired tattooed young woman in a bright tank shirt and roomy yellow pants. She introduced herself as Bridget then quickly got the music going and we were led through an hour-long routine of movements that were fun, new, and a bit dizzying. Zumba is a party, after all! A couple of times we asked her to show us how to do things like the shimmy or the booty shake. Some of it was daunting choreography, especially for a beginner like me, but knowing that this wasn't "Dancing With The Stars" or anything competitive made it so fun and was actually more of a workout than I expected. By the time we finished cooling down, stretching, and Bridget led us in prayer (did I mention all this hip-swaying and pelvic tilting happened in a church?) I felt like I had joined a special sorority of empowered women of all ages who were celebrating our God-given bodies and getting fit at the same time.

What I enjoyed the most about this experience, besides the fact that it was a free Zumba class, was just the diversity of experience and fitness levels and how comfortable we all were in being together. I did end up barefoot as did another young woman which made some of the turning moves easier. Other women wore t-shirts but I felt more free to move in a tank shirt. And it was a good thing I skipped the shower since things got sweaty fast. Now I'm checking off the days until the next class, which is four days from now!

My advice after this Zumba experience is simple: find a class that will let you check it out for free. That way you'll know what you're comfortable with, the instructor's style, and the group you'll be working out with. Shoes with little or no tread can be worn but dance sneakers are the better way to go. Check with the instructor if you want to try going barefoot as he or she may have a strict policy about footwear. Even though I did my first class barefoot I know I'll have to get better shoes if I want to continue Zumba.

And, after how I felt having moved every possible muscle and joint in my body, I know this is something I want to do as often as possible!


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