Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Phobias And Fresh Starts

It’s like my worst nightmare. Seriously. I would rather give birth or hike the Himalayas than deal with what is probably one of my deepest fears. Unfortunately, after weeks and often months of my typical avoidance strategies, I can no longer exist in denial. This has to be faced squarely with no hesitation. So, with all the appropriate materials at hand and having assembled the necessary supplies I stand with my feet shoulder width apart, my knees slightly bent, and my back straight. My palms are sweaty, my stomach is churning, and my throat feels dry. I resist the urge to turn and flee the inevitable. I stretch out my yellow gloved right hand, hold my breath, and open the refrigerator door.

My name is Glory. And I have a phobia of cleaning the refrigerator. “Hi Glory,” my mental support group replies.

I’m not sure where it started or why it offends me so much. But eventually I know it must be done. Confrontation of any kind just sends me reeling. But there is just something about containers of mystery leftovers, jars of half-used food, cartons of expired products, and the bag or two of fresh-last-season produce run amuck on sticky shelves and carousing in crispers that evokes a soft whimper and a shudder or two. Yet I continued on, unloading chilled foodstuffs, scrubbing and wiping surfaces, and tossing away things that would not be making a return to the refrigerator. While there was a time I would have considered this to be wasteful, I have since determined that something that isn’t needed, wanted, or even safe to consume is simply taking up space for something better, healthy, and far more appealing. In short, I was practically giving my refrigerator a makeover. And now it looks fabulous, darling! Teen girl even applauded.

Besides the obvious improvement to the cleanliness of the kitchen, there are several other health benefits to a good fridge cleanse. More space is not the least of these good effects. All that junk was taking up room on the shelves for free without even paying rent. Getting rid of the deadbeat items means I can buy more fresh healthy things like spinach and yogurt for my green smoothies. It also means that when I open the refrigerator door I can save time by easily viewing my choices and making my selection quickly without contemplating what sort of sweet calorie-laden goodies might be more readily obtained in the cupboard. An organized refrigerator filled with good healthy food makes for a disciplined me filled with energy, vitality, and joy. My fridge is happy again, and so am I!


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