Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's THAT Time a.k.a The TMI Post

I am in the throes as I type this out and I am going to just say it honestly: I give up! Not seriously give up my healthy changes but I give up on stressing out over the numbers on the scale and the way my clothes fit, at least for now. Because the scale is a bully, sometimes, and the taunts hurt more at certain times during the monthly cycle. The bloated feeling doesn't help, either, and even clothes that fit just fine the day before feel overly snug and uncomfortable. Dare I even begin to talk about the cravings too?!

So, what's a F.A.T. lady like me going to do about this?! Well, let's just say I took a day off, which may not have been the best choice but it's what I did. I didn't have to, though, and studies have shown that uninterrupted exercise even during a monthly period can help with PMS symptoms like cramping, fatigue and depression and can even give you more energy. Of course! But since I really wasn't feeling up to my regular routine, with everything that's associated with having PMS, I could have toned down my workout, and even taken a brisk 30 minute walk. I will next month, or I may ramp it up even harder if I don't want to feel too lazy.

At LIVESTRONG, my new favorite health and fitness resource, I have found several articles dealing with this "delicate female issue". One very good one offers exercise tips that I plan to use during the remainder of this cycle and the next one. Until then, the best advice for myself is to be kind and gracious to my body and just do as much as I feel able to. Which, today, was even more than I expected! Yay for me!


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